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Methylene Blue, Methylene Blue Infused Tallow Balm & Organic Black Seed Oil


Energy Boost, Mitochondria Health, Moisturizer, Anti-Aging, Sunburn Relief, Mood Enhancement

TheSolarium - 15%off


I have been using Methylene Blue since August 2023. There is a noticeable difference in energy, mood and mental alacrity.  Within a month, my lingering taste and smell issues started reversing too. I tell everyone about Meraki's Methylene Blue. Usage is different for everyone, my tendency is around 3 days/week, 3-6 drops.

Paper on sustained attention & memory retrieval with methylene blue HERE.

The Blue Infused Tallow is my nighttime moisturizer and lip balm. My skin & lips are plump and smooth & I intend to continue this routine.

Just started using the Black Seed Oil. The list of benefits of Thymoquinone are huge.

Traditional treatments for thymoquinon: asthma, hypertension, diabetes, inflammation, cough, bronchitis, headache, eczema, fever, dizziness and influenza.  Paper on medical applications HERE
Meraki Medicinal The No.1 Methylene Blue Brand for Mitochondria Supremacy- The Solarium largest naturopathic, holsitc hub for full body health plus promo codes
Methylene Blue Infused Tallow Balm Meraki Medicinal The No.1 Methylene Blue Brand for Mitochondria Supremacy- The Solarium largest naturopathic, holsitc hub for full body health plus promo codes
Organic Black Seed  - Meraki Medicinal The No.1 Methylene Blue Brand for Mitochondria Supremacy- The Solarium largest naturopathic, holsitc hub for full body health plus promo codes
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